Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween and a Happy Birthday!!!


It's Halloween and Tom's Birthday! Summer, Tucker and I have a special surprise for him that I don't want to post about yet because he doesn't know yet! Happy Birthday Daddy!
Here's our Halloween photo shoot! I have to admit this isn't my best scan job but it has been a busy busy weekend and I did while holding a 1 month old and "eating" cake my 2 1/2 year old "baked" for me in her kitchen! :)

Summer is still in love with Minnie Mouse so that was her pick for her costume! She makes a cute Minnie if I do say so myself!
Tucker has 3 costumes but for these photos he's a pumpkin. Summer was a pumpkin (and a flower) for her first Halloween so it only seemed fitting that Tucker would be one for his first. When looking at her Pumpkin photo shoot and looking at his picture it really is amazing how much they look alike!

Tucker was 3 weeks old and Summer almost 2 1/2 for these photos.

Have a great Halloween!
Trick or Treat ?!?!?

Fall Photos:

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