Wednesday, December 7, 2011

November (non Thanksgiving)

November Happenings minus Thanksgiving Activities! :)

Hanging out with Daddy! Summer sure has become a Daddy's girl and can do no wrong in his eyes. Summer often says, "I want MY Daddy." They are sweet together!

Of course Tom loves having a little guy around as well. Just the other day Tucker and Tom were watching football and both fell asleep. Now that is some male bonding for you!

Tom's back to more travel and we miss him but we are so grateful for all is his hard work that allows me to stay home with our kids.

We turned our pumpkin into a Turkey! Summer was my helper in this activitiy.

Ta Da, our Turkey

Sweet Tucker! He is my cuddler! I just love it!

Summer's already to play outside! She wanted to wear this hoodie (I haven't gotten her to wear this hat since). My little Fashionista!

Learning about Fall at Mommy and Me!

Tucker typically sleeps through Mommy and Me!

Tucker was laying on our bed while I finished getting ready and Summer joined him. The camera was handy and these as some of the adorable shots I got of both of them. Summer continues to do well with Tucker and loves him so much.

Summer and Jackson at Jackson's 3rd Birthday at the Fire Station #29! Here they are being good listeners during the firemen's presentation. Tom if you are reading this stop here. :) I think it's fair to say that Jackson is Summer's first boyfriend. They are inseperable when togetther and often hug and kiss. The other day at Mommy and Me Summer stuck her cheek out when Jackson was leaving and he kissed it and off he went. Lol It is adorable. They are in Mommy and Me and go to preschool together. He has 2 older sisters that I used to babysit when we first moved here so we have known their family for some time now.

Summer was the first to go up and get a picture with the fireman in his gear.

Jackson and Summer

Summer driving the firetruck.

An attempt at a group kids photo. I think some of the kdis had already run away at this point.

Tucker slept through the party, including the firetruck sirens!

Summer was excited about the cake. Not only because she loves cake but becasuse she got to help make it. My Mom made it and Summer was over when Mom made it so she "helped" make Jackson's cake.

It was yummy!

Tucker's first offical bath in the big tub.

SUmmer found my lipgloss and helped herself. She did pretty good! I will have to be more careful about where I leave them from now on.

Hi Mama! A small little smile!

Tucker was having a rest in his papasan chair so Summer went and go hers from our room to put right next to him. She then read him stories. Priceless!

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