Friday, December 2, 2011

Nov and Dec Dr's Appointments

November 1st we had Summer's 2 1/2 year and Tucker's 1 month appointment.

December 1st we had Summer's pink eye appointment and Tucker's 2 month appointment.

Here's the stats on the kiddos:

Summer-May to November

2 year vs 2 1/2 year

Weight 54%tile to 61%tile and weighing in at 29 lbs

Height 70%tile to 88%tile and 37 1/5"

Tucker-November to December

Weight-9 lbs 3.6 oz- 33%tile to 11lbs 9.6 oz-50%tile

Height-21 1/2"-43%tile to 23 1/2"-69%tile

So both of them are growing well! Tucker has especially changed from his first to second months. Have a look:

November Appointment

Weight check!

December Appointment:

Height check-23 1/2"

Weight Check (while being modest)- 11lbs 9.6oz

I got a call from Summer's school about an hour before Tucker's 2 month appointment that Summer had pink eye. Our Dr said just bring her on in. It's in her left eye (right side looking at her). Poor thing. She was happy to see Dr. M again though!

Uh Oh, I have pink eye.

They both were wiped out from their Dr's appointments.

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