Thursday, September 20, 2012

I.N.K. Interactive Neighborhood for Kids


July 13, 2012

Another fun event with MOPS! This was my playdate for the Summer and I opened it up to our neighborhood friends too! INK is great for little ones. We went last summer with MOPS as well and since it was one of our favorites I made sure we got to go again this year.

It’s an old industrial building that has been turned into a “interactive neighborhood.”  Each room has a different theme that allow the kids to use their imaginations. There is a grocery store, vet office, restaurant, music room, dr’s office, dentist and so much more. There are also full size vehicles. Very fun!



My first attempt at braiding Summer’s hair! Not too bad. here hair is so curly and fine that it is hard to get it to stay in.


First Stop-The Grocery Store! Always a big hit at INK! They even have little shopping carts.


The music room! Ms. Angela is showing Summer and Brielle how to play a tune. Tucker is making music with a guitar!


More music making for Tucker as Summer head to the Vet office to take care of the animals.


Summer liked “working” at the office. However, she didn’t know why the phone had a cord. LOL Our phones are cordless and of course she uses our cell phones.


Summer and Anna playing in the airplane.


MOPS kids having fun building and playing in the building room. We took this room over!


Tucker, Summer and I on the fire truck together!


Summer was too busy playing Dr to stop and get a photo. She loves the show “Doc McStuffins” so she was playing Doc! “Time for your Check up, Time for your check up”. I can hear the song in my head from the show!


Tucker playing with his friend Brielle!

*Both not looking.*


Hi Mama!

*Tucker looking.*


Hi Ms. Jen!

*Brielle looking*

Note I never got one of both of them looking! :)

Fun times at INK!

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