Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy 4th of July 2012!


So yes this is about 2 months old! LOL We are about to celebrate Labor Day (which is Sept 3rd). Oh well! Just plugging away on posting in order.

Tucker had just turned 9 months old and Summer 3 years 2 months old.

Our neighborhood does a 4th of July parade for the kids and this year Summer got to ride her bike and Tucker got pulled in his wagon. Very fun! Summer really got into decorating her bike and our golf cart this year. After the kids parade the golf carts go on a parade in the neighborhood. It’s a very fun way to start the 4th of July.

PS So I just realized this didn’t post before Labor Day. :( Oh well! Here it is now. :)




After the golf cart parade Tucker had his nap and then we headed to my parents house for a cook out. Summer and Tucker were both big hits will all of the Empty Nester friends that were there.



Summer and Ms. Gail became great friends!


After leaving Mom and Dad’s we came home and got ready to go to another party for the evening. For our grand finale we drove around the neighborhood and watched lots of fireworks being let off! Very fun family filled day!

Happy 4th of July!

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