Friday, September 14, 2012

July Random Pics


There are a lot more July events to come! However, I was going through and these didn’t have theme to go with so here are some cute ones of the kids around the house and a little out and about!



Summer has a BIG imagination and loves her “friends”. Here friends in this case being her stuffed animals. She does role call, plays school, plays Mommy, and numerous other pretend ideas all the time.  She was so focused on what she was doing  that she didn’t notice the camera.



Some of her friends are ready to watch a movie at the movie theater. Summer left to go get them some snacks!


Had to snap a picture of Tucker in his jammies as well!


Tucker sitting criss cross applesauce!


Daddy lovin time! All smiles! :)


Aunt Lis and her munchkins!


Rock star Summer with her Rapunzel sunglasses.


Even though he just woke up he looks a little sleep still.


We went to the $1.50 kid movies several times over the summer with Bella and Aidan. Monkey Joe was there a couple times after the show.


More July to come…..

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