Friday, August 31, 2012

Tucker is 11 months old! 8/30/12


One more month, yes only one more month and our sweet baby boy will be ONE!!! Time flies when you are having fun and/or chasing 2 little ones around!

Tucker is still hovering around 20 pounds. I know this because the poor baby has had 2 ear infections this month with the latest one being in both ears and we they weigh him when we go in for our sick visit. Poor guy!

Tucker probably isn’t gaining much weight because he is on the move and FAST! He climbs up 2 flights of stairs lighting fast. He can stand for 10-20 seconds at a time on his own. He loves to push things and walk. His favorite being Summer’s baby doll strollers! :) We are going to get him a push train for his birthday. He still babbles his baby language but lots of us have heard him finally saying, “Dadadada”. All of us except for Dada of course. He just grins when we try to get him to say it when Tom’s right there.

He loves to do “Sooooo Big”, which Tom taught him. He also raises his arms up when Summer sings the song, “Starships” during the part “hands up and touch the sky”. Very amusing!

Oh baby love! For his 11 month photo shoot I did Ms. Whitney’s carnival mini’s. Here’s a sneak peek from earlier this week. So sweet (especially since Tucker wasn’t feeling great).

He was also pretty cooperative for his Bunny and blanket pictures this month.

11 month old Tucker…..




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