Friday, August 3, 2012

Member Night at the Zoo

June 9th

Tom, Aunt Lis, Summer, Tucker and I went to the Member Night at the Zoo. All of us got in under our pass. When they asked how many kids and what ages I said, “17, 3, and 8 months.” They didn’t question me so my 30 year old sister got in as 17 and FREE!  Gotta love it!

We had a great time and continue to love our zoo pass.

PS Sorry Tom- I guess you took most of the pictures and we didn’t get any of you. We know you were there!



Summer wanted to take her panda bear to show the panda bears at the zoo. The Flamingos were very awake and active this evening.


Having a look at the rhino, giraffe’s and ostriches.


Here is Summer showing off her panda to the real life panda!


Fun time on the train!

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