Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tucker is 10 months old! 7/30/12

Just a quick post so you can see Tucker at 10 months! Into the double digits he goes! I can’t believe I am starting to think about his first birthday (gasp-dare I say it?). Time is flying! We are gearing up this week for our first big family beach trip to Ocean City, MD. This is my childhood beach and I can’t wait for us all to be together in MD. Tucker will be a mess I am sure…sand, sand and more sand. He has his 4 teeth and is the fastest crawler. He eats ANYTHING! We were just at a party and he had 3 pieces of frozen watermelon, pizza crust and before I knew it Summer was sharing her cupcake! The second baby sure lucks out. Summer didn’t have any cupcake until her first birthday.

Happy 10 month birthday Tucker!


This was the best one and boy was it hard to get! A couple bloopers….



This was also tricky! This shows him the best but my favorites are below in the bloopers!




Summer got her quilt and got in on the action. I almost had them both on it but Tucker got away fast!

One more…


This was taken at the gym today! One of his favorite teachers there at the child care center decided to spike his hair! So cute! I also love that you can see his teeth!

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