Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer’s Birthday 5/1/13


Summer’s Birthday was on a Wednesday this year.  So we decided to have her party the weekend after. Luckily she went to school on Wednesdays so we could celebrate at her preschool. Last year Tom had to travel and unfortunately he had to travel this year as well. I started some traditions last year since it was the first year of Summer’s birthday not being on the weekend. I decorate downstairs and her door. I have all the presents that she receives in the mail on the mantel, gift from Tucker and a couple small ones from us. It’s like Christmas. In case you haven’t noticed I LOVE birthdays and celebration them. Celebration my kids has been the most fun and special. I love them so much!


Time to make some cupcakes for Summer’s class! She decided on the Minnie Mouse ones that she loves to make. Minnie is still one of her favorites! We started off letting Tucker help us but decided after he helped with the wrappers that maybe we should work on them ourselves.


We gave Tucker a snack and got back to work. This mad Summer happy as she wasn’t as thrilled that he was “helping” with her special cupcakes. He kept throwing the wrappers. Tucker is all boy!



Special decorations for the birthday girl for the morning.


Summer’s 4th birthday hat and birthday collage!


Birthday morning excitement!!


It was like Christmas!!!


Tucker got Summer the wedding Rapunzel doll and I think that was her favorite gift of the morning. It was really sweet!


All ready for her special day!


Minnie Mouse cupcakes ready for her preschool celebration. The kids took a “nap” while I got all set up!


Summer with her teacher, Ms. Meredith! Ms. Meredith holds a special place in our hearts! She is so loving and Summer had the best preschool year with her and Ms. Mary!


Yummy cupcakes! Loving on Ms. Mary! Summer had Ms. Mary this year and last year and we are so glad! Ms. Mary lives in our neighborhood and is a local celebrity!


“Happy Birthday Summer Sunshine! We love you!”


All the kids loved Tucker!


Another tradition that started last year was taking Summer to Mexican or Mexico as she calls it for her favorite food-guacamole! Tucker likes it as well!


Mom-Mom and Pops joined us for dinner and to celebrate after!



SURPISE!  A new Rapunzel dress for her birthday party! To say she was excited was an understatement!



Gifts from Mom-Mom and Pops! Roller Skates and lots of fun Rapunzel accessories!


“Cheese” says, Tucker!


Me and the birthday girl!!! Oh how I love this little girl so much! 4 years have flown by!

On a side note, I knew I was pregnant (6 weeks) at this point but my parents and Summer did not yet. Before we got ready to have cake and ice cream Summer told us that she really wants to have a little sister and she has a plan. She decided that I would marry someone else and have a baby girl and she would marry Dada! It was very sweet and I just kept thinking that little did she know she was going to be a Big Sister again!!!


Cupcake time!


I would say it was a great 4th Birthday for this sweet girl!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer’s 4th Birthday Photo Shoot!-

May 1, 2013

Summer turned 4 back in May and on her birthday I did a good updating blog post about Summer’s 4 year old self!

Here’s the photo shoot we did after she turned 4. I always have a number birthday hat and number shirt. Then I display the hat with the a picture of Summer with the hat and shirt on! A fun tradition that I hope I can get away with for many more years!

Here’s my sassy, sweet, smiley girl!

We love you so much Summer Lynn Zimmerman!


It’s hard to see the 4 shirt in this one with her tutu but I love this one of Summer!


Her “stinker/sassy” look!


That’s my girl as well!


Might frame this one with the hat but you can’t see the shirt very well! Oh the decisions!


Best one of the shirt! Can’t decide if this will be the framed one. She’s not wearing the hat but it is in the photo!


This was Summer’s super special Rapunzel dress for her birthday party! She couldn’t wait to put it on again for some fancy photos of her doing her curtsy, twirling and running around.



Running around in one last outfit! A very fun photo shoot! Thanks to our friend Ms. Jenn and her hubby Mr. Allen for doing this photo shoot for us!
