Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Here we go again! BZ3

April 2013-July 2013


The story of Baby Zimmerman 3 (BZ3) starts in April so this seems like the perfect spot to put this post in.

Tom and I realized on April 16th that I was pregnant with Baby #3 and it was quite a SURPRISE!!! So much so we decided to wait a bit to spread the news to anyone. With Summer and Tucker we told our parents immediately and then started telling close friends and family after the 8 week appointment and then the world at 12 weeks on the exact date!

Anyways, we need time to process and weren’t ready for any questions! On April 16th I was just past the 4 week mark.

On May 10th I was 8 weeks and had my first ultra sound and all looked good! We were very excited. Fast heart beat and only one baby! Due date of December 20th. This is when we decided it would be time to tell our parents and siblings but would wait to really tell anyone else until after we told Summer. We decided we would tell her after the 12 week appointment. Here’s more of the story with pictures…….

The pregnancy testS:


Yes, there were lots of tests. I took 2 in the morning. Ran out and got the digital ones when Tom got home and then took 2 more late to get some pictures of the digital ones saying, “pregnant”. 6 total!


The digital don’t lie!

Here’ s how we told our Moms (and Dads):


Mother’s Day- 05/12/13

I found a calendar (where you can change the date daily) that held a picture with the perfect quote! I put our first ultra sound picture. Then I changed the date to the due date. The quote was perfect as well- “Day by day, the love of our family grows.”

Cute huh? We couldn’t give Mom this part of her gift at brunch so we went back to her house and had my sister hang out with the kids so Summer wouldn’t catch on!



June 11, 2013 I had my 12 week appointment. We had another ultra sound where we got to see our baby really moving and growing very well. “A very healthy baby” were the exact words of the technician. A strong heartbeat and still only one (Tom checks every time). :)
So I had thought maybe this time we wouldn’t find out what we were having since we do have a girl and a boy. However, Tom says the pregnancy was enough of a surprise so we should find out. Mind you he didn't want to find out for our first 2 but I was determined to have all the cute clothes and the nursery purple or blue. So what I am learning is that if one person wants to find out you pretty much will find out.

I also have learned that everyone keeps asking Summer if she wants a brother or sister or will ask if she really wants a little sister. People will also ask if she knows what her mommy is having. I understand they are being sweet but I also think for her sake it will be easier to know so she can tell everyone and be super excited!

So when the technician asked if we wanted her guess Tom said yes immediately and I hesitated too long and the guess was made!

With that being said the technician had a 75% guess that BZ3 is a ……

I am not telling yet! Everyone will find out on August 9th when we confirm at that ultrasound! Sorry! Winking smile

So with a strong heartbeat and being 12 weeks 4 days we decided that it was time to tell Summer and Tucker.

We went to Summer’s favorite Mexican restaurant to tell her and her reaction was just priceless! Her eyes got huge and it was like she couldn’t believe that she is going to be a big sister again and Tucker is going to be a big brother! She was and is truly excited! She asked to talk to the baby and has every day since. BZ3 is going to know Summer’s voice as just well as he/she knows mine. Summer has practiced changing her baby’s diapers and watches more closely when I change Tuckers. She has thought about names (very random and sometimes her own for a girl and Tucker for a boy. Surprisingly, Graceful, has not shown up). She loves telling people there is a baby in Mommy’s tummy and just melts my heart. Sweet Tucker has no clue what he’s in for! Winking smile


On Friday, June 14th at 13 weeks pregnant, I had announcement pictures done with the kids. The photographer and I were so excited that Tucker was not only standing still but holding the chalkboard we didn’t even think about the order we were standing. You get the idea and it’s sweet all the same!


This was my favorite and the one I posted on Facebook! Thanks for all the “likes” and comments! We really are so excited and can’t wait to meet our BZ3!!!


We couldn’t get Tucker to put down the chalkboard! LOL He loved holding it! Summer was happy to hold a picture of her new sibling!



So in this picture you can clearly see my baby bump. I may have been pushing it out a bit as well! Winking smile I was 15 weeks and in London so the last week in June. It really depends on what I am wearing whether you can see the bump or not. Dresses show it more!


July 5th-16 weeks

Clearly I am not pushing my belly out in this one. It’s there though!


July 12, 2013

17 weeks


I am going to be a big sister again!


I am going to be a big brother!


July 16th- 17 1/2 weeks pregnant with my sweet kiddos and their special shirts!

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