Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Petting Zoo at School!


Every year in April Summer’s school has a petting zoo. This year Summer and I decided that if she had to wear her school shirt then Tucker would need to wear one as well if he was coming. So he wore Summer’s from last year.


Here’s Summer with her hair she fixed and Tucker in his hat he grabbed! So funny!


The petting zoo! Of course Summer added a tutu to her outfit and then was finally ok with wearing her school shirt. That’s my girl!


The animals were a big hit with both kids! Lots of looking at first from Tucker then he got into it! Last year he just hung out in his carrier the whole time.


Summer helped Tucker pet and brush the donkey.


I even wore my shirt- “Celebration Academy Mom.”


Summer, Addison and Tucker loved sitting on this poor pig!


Another great year at the petting zoo!

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