Monday, September 7, 2009

Summer turns 4 months old!-Sept 1st

Summer turned 4 months on September 1st. Here's pictures from that day and her Dr's appointment a couple days later. She now weighs 14lbs 1.5 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long!!
Summer also had a great Labor Day weekend trip to Savannah. That will be in our next blog update.

Here are the monthly pictures with her bunny. I will post all 6 monthly pictures at her 6 month birthday. Wait until you see how she has grown!!

I think these pictures are going to get harder and harder to take as she moves more and more. I love it though. So sweet! Our precious girl is ever changing! She giggles so much and now she can grab and play with her toys. Every day she amazes us!

Getting sooooo long!!

Here is the happy girl before her shots. Poor baby. She actually didn't even cry for the first one.

Hanging out with Mommy in the Dr's office. Daddy had a meeting and couldn't make this appointment. Mommy had a tennis match right after so that's why I have tennis gear on!

Mommy, I did not like those shots.
Here she is trying to roll from back to front. She has tummy to back down pat!

See my band aides on each leg?

Summer just loves mirrors. I can set her in front of one while I make the bed in our room and she is just so happy to look at "another baby." She doesn't realize yet it is her.

All three kids together. Alexander and Daisy were trying to take a nap when I decided it was photo shoot time. They don't look too bothered and Summer thought it was really funny!

Sound asleep in her Papasan chair. She is quickly out growing this chair.

Come back soon to see pictures from our Savannah weekend! :)

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