Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Typical Week with Mommy! (9/14-9/18)

Summer and I are busy girls during the week. Here's pictures of a week in Summer's eyes!
Everyday Summer just amazes me. As most of you know I read, read, read every month about what my precious girl could be doing (every baby is different of course). I just love to see her making all these milestones. The first 4 1/2 months have gone by so quickly! Enjoy pics of our typical week! (Coming soon...we are going on a jet plane....)

Friday evenings-Daddy's always back from his trips by Friday and we get to hang out. Here I am biting my bottom lip. Mommy thinks that is so cute! On Fridays we usually go out to eat for dinner (sometimes Meet and Greet in our neighborhood) and then Mommy has scrapbooking and Daddy has tennis (and I am sound asleep).

Bath Days
Usually are on Wednesdays and on the weekend. This bath was on Friday because on Saturday we left to go on an airplane!
I love this pink and brown towel from Ms. Paige.

Thursday: Mommy has boot camp and then we go to Playgroup! I always enjoy hanging out with my friends! Here I am with Lawson, Addison and Coleson!

Here I am on my way to sitting up on my own! It's the tripod sit (yes, Mommy got that name from one of her books). If I lift my hands up I topple over. Mommy always says Uh Oh (not sure where she got that from).

Standing on my playmat. I like the view from up here!

Story Time at the Library!
This week I made a Fancy crown and a jeweled bracelet. Mommy is a good helper!

Tuesdays-Mommy has boot camp and tennis practice. That means I get to spend some time with Mom-Mom and Pops.
Here I am trying to sit up . Mommy is quick with the camera.

Mondays-"Mommy & Me" with Miss Nancy right here in our neighborhood. Here I am playing with the rhythm sticks. This was very tiring so I had to take a nap while my friends continued doing songs with Miss Nancy. Mommy did a great job once again with my craft!

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