Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Summer in the Fall (10/13-10/19)

Summer in the Fall!

This post is all about fall pictures, the fall festival and Summer's grandparents coming to visit in the fall (and a cute orange hair bow)!

As most of you know or at least have realized at this point I get monthly pictures done of Summer. Here are some of her 5 month photos. I also had Halloween photos done at the same time that you will just have to wait to see! :)

Happy viewing!

Grandma Susie and Grandpa Max came to visit for several days from Indiana. We had such a great visit. Come back soon!!

We can't wait to see them again in November at Thanksgiving time!

We started Halloween activities at Mommy and Me so of course Summer had an outfit for the occasion.

Grandma Susie got to go with us to Mommy and Me! We had a great time. Good thing Summer's grandma's like to come. I am not sure if I could ever get done all of Summer's craft projects!

Here's Summer trying out her Candy Corn project that Grandma Susie helped with.

Grandma Susie gave Summer these cute candy corn socks. So sweet!

Ms. Nancy is back teaching Mommy and Me and Summer was watching her intently. Wait to you see the next picture of what Ms. Nancy was doing.

Ms. Nancy taught us about Fire Safety and here she is with Aidan doing Stop, Drop and Roll!

Our Fall Festival in our neighborhood was on Saturday and it was a bit cold and a bit rainy..it misted all day. Summer was prepared with her hat, bow, peacoat, orange and polka dot pants and cute shoes. She was a hit at the Festival!

Daddy, Grandpa Max and Summer

Aunt Lis, Me with my face painted and Summer

Having a rest in the middle of the Festival. We were there from 9am-almost 4pm. I was in charge of all the volunteers so that's why we were there for so long. Mom does the Bake Sale and Melissa came to help out where needed but really to hang out with Summer!

Dad was a part of the Chili Cook Off. He came in second place. Maybe next year Dad!

Mom, Gail, Melissa and Summer at the Bake Sale table. Mom does about 80% or more of the baking! So so so yummy!

Summer loved being in the front carrier. She was in it for about 3 hours and even stayed in it past a feeding. She is just so nosy that it worked out great for her to see everyone and everything.

Summer has crazy big yawns and we finally caught one with the camera. She was getting really sleepy......
.....and she fell sound asleep for about 45 minutes in the front carrier!

Yup, she's got Grandpa Max's ear. :)

Summer's up on Daddy's shoulders!

We went to story time and she got to make a pumpkin with her name on it for the library door. This is the only picture of her not eating it!

Watching the other kids at Story time.

Daddy lovin'!

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