Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tucker's 3 month and 4 month Updates!

Tucker turned 4 months old yesterday (1/30/12) and I just can't believe it! As I went to do his 4 month post I realized I never posted his 3 month post as I was trying to go in order! :)

So here are his 3 month and 4 month photos with his puppy and on the quilt. Also included are his Dr's pictures from his 4 month appointment today!

My oh my has my little guy grown from his last appointment at 2 months.

He weighs 13. 6 oz (gained almost 2 pounds). 50%tile

He now is 25.5" long (gaining 2 inches) and is in the 71%tile.

Tucker continues to be such a sweet baby. He loves to cuddle and is very easy going. He "talks" a lot now and Summer tries to make words out of what he is saying. He is almost rolling over from back to tummy and LOVES his playmat and most any baby toy we give him. His smiles are big and tears very few. He isn't fully sleeping through the night yet...yes I know it's all me but he's just so sweet I can't help it. I know once I move him from our room (he sleeps in a moses basket by our bed) to his crib it will help with him sleeping through the night.

Overall he is such a good baby and we love seeing all his changes.

Oh and his GIGGLE! We can't get enough of it!

Okay on to the pictures..... sigh...4 months already....

December 30, 2011

3 month photo with the puppy

January 30, 2012
4 month photo with the puppy

3 month quilt photo

4 month quilt photo

Sound asleep before his 4 month Dr's appointment!

A happy talker before the shots. Poor thing. He only started to cry on the second one.

One healthy baby!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

December visits with Parker and a Cow!

Here are some fun photos from Mid-December! Never a dull moment around here....

Daisy decided she wanted to join Summer for story time one night! Summer was super tickled that her beagle would hop in her bed. I guess it wasn't that exciting to Daisy because she hasn't been back since!

Tucker's first time napping in his crib while I was rotating his clothes around in his closet.

Tucker is sticking his tongue out at his Mom-Mom as he plays on the play mat.

A smile!

My Aunt Rita was in town visiting her grandkids in SC and they came for a visit in GA. Here's Summer playing with Parker.

Tucker in his Elf outfit!

Summer decided to "share" her stuffed animals with Tucker. He wasn't thrilled with Mickey on his face. :)

"It's alright Tucker, I lovey you."

My Little Santa!

Time to meet Santa Cow! Summer with thrilled when our local Chick-fil-a had a meet Santa Cow night!

Summer in her cow elf hat!

Tucker in the cow elf hat!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Daisy's Christmas Letter 2011

Our Christmas Card and Daisy's Christmas Letter 2011

Happy Holidays!

It's me, Daisy, the Zimmerman family Beagle. I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know about all the exciting things that we have been up to this year.

As usual I spend a lot of time at home with the cat or at my Grandparents house while my family was out doing many fun things. Last January my Mom and Dad went on a cruise to the Southern Caribbean. They had a great time! They stopped at several islands, went zip lining, swam with the dolphins, and found out that Mom was carrying another litter. While they were way Summer and I stayed with our Grandparents in GA.

Before, during, and after their cruise, Mom and Dad were doing a lot of running, to get ready to run a 1/2 marathon (I didn't get to run with them. They thought all my sniffing might slow them down). The 1/2 marathon was in March, it was my Mom's 3rd 13.1 mile run and my Dad's 1st. They are going to run it again in 2012. The day after their run, they drove to Maryland so Dad could work and Mom and Summer could see some friends and family.

It's been fun watching Summer grow over the year, she says so many words and is a sweet, active, bright little girl. She turned 2 this year and Mom and Dad threw her a Mickey Mouse Birthday Party, complete with a Mickey Mouse Bounce house and Mickey shaped sandwiches. Mom and Summer keep VERY busy while Dad is working. They year they went to swim lessons, gymnastics, Mommy and Me, shopping and more. Even with all these things going on, Summer still finds time to smoother me....

In July I got to spend another week with my Grandparents while Mom, Dad, and Summer took at trip to the Midwest. Mom and Summer went to Indiana to spend time with my Dad's side of the family, while my Dad, Uncle Jerry (GUJ) and Cousin Curtis rode their bikes in RAGBRAI (a bike ride across the state of Iowa, 450 miles +).

Once they got back from the Midwest, Mom and Dad were very busy getting ready for their new litter. Summer moved into her big girl room, while her old room got turned into a nursery fit for a little boy.

Mom did great during her pregnancy, in addition to running a 1/2 marathon, she played a lot of tennis and stayed on the go (she never slowed down). When it came time to have her litter, she was pretty relaxed throughout the process, so relaxed that she didn't go to the hospital until she was READY. They arrived at the hospital around 11:45 am and baby Tucker arrived at 12:19pm (slightly over a half hour later). The doctor was impressed to say the least.

Tucker has been a welcomed addition to our family. He has taken a lot of Summer's attention off of me as she is Mommy's Lil Helper. Mom gets to spend some quality time with just Tucker while Summer is in school 2 days a week. Tucker is such a sweet baby boy and Summer is doing great as a big sister. Dad's parents came to visit for a few days when Tucker was born. I am really glad they were here to see him when he was so small. He's only 2 months old but getting so big...I can tell 2012 looks like it is going to be another exciting year!

Wishing Y'all a Merry and Bright holiday season!


Me (Daisy), Alexander (the cat), Jen, Tom, Summer, and Tucker

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Summer's Christmas Program!


Summer 1st Christmas program!!!

As many of you know Summer goes to preschool 2 days a week at Celebration Academy. I used to teach there and was so excited and sad to send Summer there (I just can't believe she is old enough to go to preschool).

Well the 2 year olds get to sing in the Christmas program and it was super sweet!

Here's the program:

Just look for the very last name under the 2 year olds and you will find Summer Zimmerman!

Mom, Tucker and I waiting for the show to begin!

Melissa and Dad

Unfortunately Tom couldn't' be there because of work travel but Melissa was our expert videographer and we got a great video. Summer loved watching it with her Daddy!

Getting all settled to start singing! Summer is in the middle next to her friend Addison who is also in green.

There she is standing up and just pointing and smiling so big when she spotted us in the audience. It was adorable! I am smiling so big just thinking about it!

Singing and doing the motions!

So proud of herself!!!

Oh...there's another song!! We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Party time! Here's Ms. Mary handing out gifts from her and Ms. Carleen. They were all Mickey themed and are quite the prized possessions around her. Summer ADORES her teachers and I am so glad! "I lovey Ms. Mary and Ms. Carleen."

Unwrapping her gift.

Pops, Aunt Lis and Elf Tucker at the Christmas party.

Snack time!

The parents then had to leave to make parking spots open for the older kids Christmas program. Summer enjoyed a book exchange, games and playtime with her friends for the rest of her Christmas party!

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Mommy and Me Christmas!


The start to the Christmas party season!

Summer and Tucker came dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus and ready to par-ty!

Here's Summer dancing to Jingle Bells!

Dancing with Mom-Mom!

Who is that at the window?!?
All the kids came running!

It's SANTA!!!!!

"Mama, it's Santa Claus!"

Little Santa Tucker had no idea what was going on!

Sitting patiently for her turn with Santa.

Santa had a book for each chile. Summer then added a Hello Kitty toy to her list! :)

(If you have been following the blog posts you will notice that each time Summer sees Santa she adds an item to her list.)

Ready to open the present from Santa!

An attempt at a group photo! Summer was very happy with her book!

Thanks to Ms. Nancy and Ms. Sue (Mom-Mom, Mom) for all you do for Mommy and Me! This was a great Christmas party and Summer was talking about it for days!

Friday, January 13, 2012

More MD visitors!

Maryland Visitors

My Aunt Paula, Cousin Sarah and her daughter Maddy came to visit December 8th-12th. It was so great to see them. Sarah, my sister, Melissa and I grew up together practically as sisters so it's hard that we are far apart now, especially since we have kids close in age. Maddy just turned 3 and her and Summer had a blast playing together all weekend.

It is always great to see my Aunt Paula. I love her dearly and I love seeing her and my Mom together. My Mom has 3 siblings and they are all really close.

Last year when Aunt Paula came to visit we got a picture with Santa so this year we did a big group picture! This is where Summer added on the Dora doll. So at this point it was 2 things-Snow White and Dora.

Of course Sarah and Aunt Paula loved meeting Tucker! I am so glad they got to meet him when he was so little. They change so fast.

Dad, Mom, Summer, Tucker, Sarah holding Maddy, Aunt Paula and Me.

Mom and Aunt Paula took their grand kids to Gymboree. Looks like bubble time!

A train ride at the mall!

Double fire truck stroller!

Aunt Paula and Tucker....2 months old.

Sarah and Tucker

Daddy and Tucker

Tucker just looks so much smaller in these pictures. He has changed so much so fast!

My sister and Tucker! Melissa always has the sweetest pictures sleeping with her niece or nephew!