Friday, January 6, 2012

A Pirate Birthday Party!

Summer got to got to her friend, Carson's, 3rd Birthday Party! Yes, all of her friends are starting to turn 3!!!

She had a lot of fun dressing up and I even dressed Tucker for the part! This was the beginning of December so look for a bunch of Christmas posts to come! Thanks for hanging in there as I "catch up". Not sure if I will ever be caught up as I was before but hey that's okay! There are always pictures to post and stories to be told! It's the scrapbooking I will never catch up on. :) It's a good thing I will be able to reference this blog.

Thanks again for a great party Carson!

Summer in her pirate gear! This lasted all of 2 minutes but was cute none the less. Summer did keep the necklaces on of course!

The birthday boy was alway on the move...a pirate always has to be in action! This was the best picture I got of sweet Carson at his party.

Tucker and I

I told you he had an outfit that matched the party theme!

The cake was looked great and was very yummy!

One more of Tucker in his pirate gear!

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