Monday, January 16, 2012

A Mommy and Me Christmas!


The start to the Christmas party season!

Summer and Tucker came dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus and ready to par-ty!

Here's Summer dancing to Jingle Bells!

Dancing with Mom-Mom!

Who is that at the window?!?
All the kids came running!

It's SANTA!!!!!

"Mama, it's Santa Claus!"

Little Santa Tucker had no idea what was going on!

Sitting patiently for her turn with Santa.

Santa had a book for each chile. Summer then added a Hello Kitty toy to her list! :)

(If you have been following the blog posts you will notice that each time Summer sees Santa she adds an item to her list.)

Ready to open the present from Santa!

An attempt at a group photo! Summer was very happy with her book!

Thanks to Ms. Nancy and Ms. Sue (Mom-Mom, Mom) for all you do for Mommy and Me! This was a great Christmas party and Summer was talking about it for days!

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