Friday, January 13, 2012

More MD visitors!

Maryland Visitors

My Aunt Paula, Cousin Sarah and her daughter Maddy came to visit December 8th-12th. It was so great to see them. Sarah, my sister, Melissa and I grew up together practically as sisters so it's hard that we are far apart now, especially since we have kids close in age. Maddy just turned 3 and her and Summer had a blast playing together all weekend.

It is always great to see my Aunt Paula. I love her dearly and I love seeing her and my Mom together. My Mom has 3 siblings and they are all really close.

Last year when Aunt Paula came to visit we got a picture with Santa so this year we did a big group picture! This is where Summer added on the Dora doll. So at this point it was 2 things-Snow White and Dora.

Of course Sarah and Aunt Paula loved meeting Tucker! I am so glad they got to meet him when he was so little. They change so fast.

Dad, Mom, Summer, Tucker, Sarah holding Maddy, Aunt Paula and Me.

Mom and Aunt Paula took their grand kids to Gymboree. Looks like bubble time!

A train ride at the mall!

Double fire truck stroller!

Aunt Paula and Tucker....2 months old.

Sarah and Tucker

Daddy and Tucker

Tucker just looks so much smaller in these pictures. He has changed so much so fast!

My sister and Tucker! Melissa always has the sweetest pictures sleeping with her niece or nephew!

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