Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tucker's 3 month and 4 month Updates!

Tucker turned 4 months old yesterday (1/30/12) and I just can't believe it! As I went to do his 4 month post I realized I never posted his 3 month post as I was trying to go in order! :)

So here are his 3 month and 4 month photos with his puppy and on the quilt. Also included are his Dr's pictures from his 4 month appointment today!

My oh my has my little guy grown from his last appointment at 2 months.

He weighs 13. 6 oz (gained almost 2 pounds). 50%tile

He now is 25.5" long (gaining 2 inches) and is in the 71%tile.

Tucker continues to be such a sweet baby. He loves to cuddle and is very easy going. He "talks" a lot now and Summer tries to make words out of what he is saying. He is almost rolling over from back to tummy and LOVES his playmat and most any baby toy we give him. His smiles are big and tears very few. He isn't fully sleeping through the night yet...yes I know it's all me but he's just so sweet I can't help it. I know once I move him from our room (he sleeps in a moses basket by our bed) to his crib it will help with him sleeping through the night.

Overall he is such a good baby and we love seeing all his changes.

Oh and his GIGGLE! We can't get enough of it!

Okay on to the pictures..... sigh...4 months already....

December 30, 2011

3 month photo with the puppy

January 30, 2012
4 month photo with the puppy

3 month quilt photo

4 month quilt photo

Sound asleep before his 4 month Dr's appointment!

A happy talker before the shots. Poor thing. He only started to cry on the second one.

One healthy baby!


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