Monday, March 4, 2013

A Tea fit for a Princess 2/2/13


Summer was able to go to a Princess Tea at our local library with my Mom (her Mom-Mom)! I really don’t know who was more excited Summer or Mom! :) I am so glad they were able to do this together. I was going to have Mom be a guest blogger for this post but right now (beginning of March) my Dad is in the hospital recovering from a surgery so she is a little tied up to say the least. That’s okay I think I have a general idea of what went on!


Summer was all dressed up as Rapunzel (in Rapunzel’s wedding dress) for this occasion. We even put sparkles on her nails and she was quite excited for Mom-Mom to come get her!


Ready to go!!!


First up was some face painting! Every princess needs a fancy face!


Meeting Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose-I mean really how can one Princess have 3 names?). Check out their wands!


A picture at the tea together! Did you know Rapunzel was there? Oh never mind  that’s Summer!


Princess Jasmine


There’s Belle! Each girl got a princess autograph book, tiara, treats, stickers and more!


Cinderella and Snow White


The magic mirror and dancing lessons!


Summer loved doing this with her Mom-Mom, loved meeting the princesses and really talked about getting her own pink lemonade! So proud!!


Summer’s friend Bella (Cinderella) was there as well!


Summer will all the princesses! What a great event! Seems like so much fun I might have to join Mom and Summer next year!!

Thanks again for taking Summer! She loved it!

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