Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Valentine’s Day 2/14/13


Since it is almost Easter I thought maybe I should get the Valentine’s Post in here!


Summer had some pink milk for breakfast! Exciting stuff! Mom-Mom also got Summer and Tucker some Valentine’s Day PJ’s to wear!


Summer really wanted an outdoor photo shoot before heading to school!


This is actually Tucker’s PJ top but I thought it was so cute so I put it with some jeans for his outfit that day!


I love that Summer is leaning on the door in the back! I also can’t believe how long Tucker kept the hat on for!




Summer loves her little brother so much! She has stopped calling him “Little” but I am sure a new nickname is on its way!


And they are off running! Notice the hat is off Tucker’s head!

Summer had a party at school with just the kids(no Mama’s this time) so I don’t have pictures from that.


Tom and I celebrated Valentine’s day on February 13th. I love my new purple Northface jacket! We went to Aqua Terra-one of my favorite restaurants. YUM!


Here’s some Valentine's crafts and pictures the kids made at school, MOPS, at home and at the gym!



Our Valentine's tradition of going to Cabo’s Mexican with the kids!




A Valentine’s Play date at our new neighbors house next door! Ms. Anne and Preston had us over to make a craft, decorate cookies, exchange Valentine’s and play!


Mom-Mom made these great big heart cookies for us to bring! The kids loved decorating them. Tucker loved eating his plain one. Much easier that way!



At the end of the month Summer’s school had Praise Town! This is a community helpers day. They all get to dress up. Summer wanted to be Nurse Hallie  from Doc McStuffins! She didn’t want a stethoscope or her Doc McStuffins Dr’s kit because that’s not what Hallie does. She had a great time at school pretending to be a vet, Dr, baker, builder and more! I really love Summer’s Preschool and appreciate all the special events they do for the kids!

Ok up next….DISNEY!!!!!!

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