Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Beach, Beach, Beach!!!

Ocean City bound!

How excited was I to be able to take my sweet girl to the beach again this year! Not just any beach but the beach I grew up going to every year as a kid. Thanks to one of my best friends, Colleen, Summer and I were able to fly in and go to Ocean City, Maryland for 4 days! There will be several posts on this trip. We were in Maryland June 22nd- 27th.

These are all the beach pictures! Just like last year Summer LOVED the beach. She is so her Mommy's girl. This year she was fearless in the water-making her Mama nervous by letting go of her hand and loved building sand castles! We had a great weather and enjoyed wonderful times with the best of friends ever!

Leah, Colleen's oldest, is now 6! She was wonderful with Summer and just an overall great kid!

Colleen with her youngest, Sadie. Sadie is 2 and her and Summer had a typical 2 year old! It certainly kept things interesting!
Summer loved watching the boats and the airplanes that went by!

Sand fun!
Here I am! I wasn't really into the whole let's take a picture in my bathing suit while being 6 months pregnant but Colleen did a pretty good job and getting a decent one. She said there had to be at least one of me! :)
Backwards "sand angels".

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