Thursday, July 21, 2011

On the Boardwalk.....

Another Ocean City tradition is going to the boardwalk and this year Summer really got to enjoy it! We had Fisher's caramel popcorn, rode the rides, walked the boards and had more ice cream (of course). We were able to meet up with the Cunningham and Glodek families for a little while as well. It's crazy that the 4 of us best friends from high school all know have kids and we are sharing our childhood memories with them. I love it!!

Summer's first ride ever by herself. Usually Mommy or Daddy is standing right with her. They had a carousal just for the little kids and happily she went round and round while I stood and took pictures. When did she get so big and independent?
Sadie loved it as well!
Leah and Summer on the fast boats. Summer loved this one as well. Fearless!!
"Driving" the van with Sadie. Notice Summer is using 2 steering wheels!
Leah and Summer waiting for the choo choo train ride to start.
And off they go!
Bill and Mason and Jessica and Aubrey were also on the train ride with Summer and Leah.
Aubrey loved it!
Ice Cream Time!

The Cunningham Family-Jim, Jessica and Aubrey (almost 1).
Leah, Colleen and Sadie
The Glodek Family-Erika, Bill and Mason ( 1 1/2).
Summer with Aubrey.
Summer with Mason.
All the kids together! Now these are amusing!

Leah, Summer, Aubrey, Mason, and Sadie
Mason and Sadie look like they are flirting and Summer looks like she is wondering what's going on down there! :)

A sweet one of Aubrey (and I think Summer is still looking to see what's going on between Mason and Sadie).

It was great meeting up with everyone on the boardwalk!

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