Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Evening in Ocean City, MD!

My Mom both last year and this year got the girls matching dresses! Last year we got the cutest picture of them on the couch together. This year they were being silly and the pictures just turned out cute! I did get some great ones of them in their dresses looking out at the bay! A spontaneous moment. Those are the best!

For dinner we went and had crabs at a local crab shack. YUM! We were able to sit outside and the girls could play in the sand and color on the tables. Crabs, sand in your toes and crayons! Life is good!

A pretty impressive pictures Leah drew! Sponge Bob Squarepants!
The bay photo shoot!
So sweet!
One of my favorites!
The "Ice Cream Castle" has a sand castle bucket that you can get with 5 scoops of ice cream, several toppings and a shovel for eating! We didn't get one but maybe another time. 2 adults, 2 two year olds and 1 six year old would have made it hard for sharing. :)

A perfect ending to a yummy filled night! Summer loves ice cream and was really happy that we had it every night for dessert while in Maryland.

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