Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Visit to the Zoo! 5/17/13


So we have an annual zoo pass and we hadn’t been to the zoo  in a while! We were also heading downtown to pick up Aunt Beth for a visit so off we went to the zoo! Lauren and Emily joined us and we had a Zoorific time as always!


Summer had a new outfit just for the zoo! We always see the flamingos first so she happily posed for some pictures in her flamingo outfit!

While  I do LOVE all the outfits Summer wears I truly cannot get shorts and a T shirt on this girl! Running around the zoo in a tutu is completely her choice and amuses me to no end. Got to love my girly girl!


My little Monkey climbers! Look at that giraffes tongue! Everyone time I see one I am amazed!


Trying to get one of Summer and Emily together….


Summer loves the Zoo Map and loves to guide us along the way. She knows just how to get to her favorite-The Pandas!


Panda Time!


Petting Zoo Fun!


Another great adventure to the zoo! We left here and went to get Aunt Beth. Smile

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