Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mother’s Day- School (5/7) and 5/12



I had 2 special celebrations celebrating Moms this past May! The first was Muffins with Moms at Summer’s preschool. Summer made me this sweet plate and some other thoughtful goodies that are in her school year scrapbook! LOVE!


I had Tucker with me so I don’t even know if I had a chance to have a muffin! I know he had at least 2 and Summer sat like a princess and enjoyed some muffins and juice! I am so happy to be their Mom, Mommy, Mama even if I am too busy to have a muffin! What a sweet event the preschool does. I felt truly loved and appreciated!



A Mother’s Day photo shoot! We managed to get Daisy to join us but couldn’t get Alexander cat to stay put! Summer just turned 4 and Tucker was 20 months old. We made special “magic” handprints that we put in mugs for the Grandmas and there was an extra sheet so I made one for me! Such little precious hands! I can’t believe next May there will be another set!

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Dada got some loving as well! He helped the kids get me a very generous gift card to the Spa at Lifetime, our wonderful gym, where I get 3 hours of childcare while I get pampered! Thanks husband and kids!


Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Another grandbaby on the way! Surprise!


We went to a yummy brunch in the morning and had the afternoon to hang out outside. The first popsicles of the season!





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