Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gymnastix Extravaganza 5/18/13


Summer has been taking gymnastics pretty consistently since she was 15 months old. When she turned 3 Mom switched from taking her to Gymboree to gymnastics which has worked out great! At the end of the year they do an Extravaganza! We had never been to one and it was great! The gymnast move from station to station to show what they have learned the past year. They get a trophy at the end and were able to order special gymnastics outfits. She goes to Gymnastix (yes with an X).

Mom, Dad, Aunt Beth, Tom, Tucker and I all went to watch her and then went to “Mexico” (Cabos) for lunch after.



Waiting to start!


Pops, Mom-Mom, and Aunt Beth with our little gymnast.


Summer and her buddy Addison all ready to start!


Getting her trophy!


So proud!!!


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