Monday, August 26, 2013

First Fountain Fun on My Birthday! 5/24/13

So in writing the date I almost put 5/24/79. It’s amazing how you get used to writing your own birthdate! So yes May 24th was my birthday and it started off great by meeting up with some of my MOPS friend at the Fountains! Then I met up with my parents for lunch, who then took the kids home so I could have some time to myself! Then Tom came home and off to Mid-town we went for some birthday shopping and a yummy dinner at Dante’s Down the Hatch (a fun fondue place that is legendary in Atlanta that is now closed-boo). A great day!

Here’s some pics from my Birthday:


Summer loves to wear her cupcake dress for birthdays! We stopped by this yummy cupcake place before lunch for some special birthday cupcakes-well Oreo, Red Velvet and Carmel…they were mini ones. We took the official birthday cupcake full size to go!


More dessert! A birthday treat at lunch!

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