Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Feast or 2 or 3!!!

Mid November was a time for some yummy turkey and lots of Thanksgiving Feasts for the kids! Summer really got into talking about what she was Thankful for and how happy she was to be celebrating Thanksgiving.

Some things she told me she was thankful for (in conversation, for her crafts etc.): Tucker (always putting her brother first), Mom (as she has starting calling me-sniff, sniff-I love Mama and Mommy), Dada (yes he still is Dada), Mom-Mom, Pops, Aunt Lis, Grandma Susie, Grandpa Max, Cousin Hadley, Aunt Beth and now it gets amusing….Rapunzel, May-May in MD (and his baby brother Jake), chocolate cereal, school, clouds, princess dresses, Minnie Mouse and on and on she went! I am glad she is so thankful for so many things!

I am SOOOOOOO thankful for my 2 sweet kids and my family that I got to celebrate all these Thanksgiving Feast with!

Happy Thanksgiving just a little (ummm over a month or so) late!


My 2 Terrific Turkeys! Summer in her latest turkey dress and Tucker in his only Thanksgiving Gear-“Gobble Gobble”-there just isn’t as much cute stuff out there for boys!


Summer loved her turkey headband at our Mommy and Me Thanksgiving Feast. Tucker on the other hand…..


…..didn’t want much to do with his headband!


Story time at Mommy and Me!


Feast #2-At Summer’s School-Celebration Academy


Summer’s fun shirt she made at school. She was “Princess Sunshine.”


Craft time! Mommy was in charge of the craft so we decided to make some fun turkeys.


Some Thanksgiving crafts!



Addison and Summer getting ready for their feast!


Our next feast was our Thanksgiving Warm up in our neighborhood. In the first picture Tucker was playing peek-a-boo with his Daddy and his napkin going up and down so his hair got crazy! Summer was all smiles.


Mom and Dad and Tucker with his Dada!


Our attempt at a family picture at dinner!


Summer and Tucker got to eat their feast with their friend “Little Emily.” That’s what Summer calls this sweet girl!


At the end of the Feast Santa came around to visit. Summer was very excited to see him again. She also posed in front of the tree that was lit up to kick off Christmas!

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