Yes, we are entering November here on the Zimmerman family blog! Now don’t be surprised if I start to sneak in some Christmas posts here and there! :)
As usual I have a handful of pictures throughout the month that might just not fit into one specific theme for a post so they end up together in one “month in review” post!
Summer turned 3 1/2 this month and Tucker 13 months (on Oct 30th) and as usual time is flying by!
Summer makes us laugh, smile and sometimes want to pull our hair out everyday! And I say that in the most lovingly way. This month she was into acting like a turkey and just randomly saying “gobble, gobble” out of the blue!
She also randomly has brought up wanting another sibling. A girl this time and her name would be Graceful or Gracie for short. She decided she would sometimes call Tucker Graceful to practice the name. It is all very amusing. There are no Graceful’s in our near future!
She also likes to teach Tucker things and remind him “to use your words.” She is a mommy in training at all times and sometimes I feel bad for Tucker!
As for Tucker he is into EVERYTHING! He runs everywhere and climbs everything. His new favorite thing to to is climb the chairs to the kitchen table and throw the napkins everywhere. He is so busy he still takes 2 naps and his Mama is grateful for that! He is learning lots of words and loves to eat bananas-at least 2 a day! He tries really hard to keep up with his big sister! He gives really good cuddles and sweet wet kisses.
I am training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February and Tom continues to travel a lot. We miss him but are understanding. We appreciate all the hard work he does for us. He is a great husband and wonderful father.
So there are some little updates for you! I am sure Daisy, our beagle, will be reviewing our year for you in our Christmas letter!
Hello November!
Summer had the stuffed pig to “If You Give a Pig a Party” and before bedtime one night decided to read it to Tucker with the stuffed pig acting out the book. It was very amusing. Next up they 2 had a dance party with the little mermaid carriage music. It was a very energetic bedtime to say the least!
Smore time! Daddy and Summer made smores on the big green egg one night! Very yummy! Tucker could see them from his high chair while they were outside and seemed to be amused!
Summer decided that Daisy Dog needed her Daisy stuffed animal!
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