Sunday, December 30, 2012

November continued…..

There were a couple more events towards the end of November that I found some pictures of that I would like to share! Soon I will get to our Thanksgiving week post and then on to DECEMBER! So fun!



Summer takes dance at her school. It’s nice because she goes right when the school day ends and I get to pick her up later. We don’t have to go home and change and then drive somewhere else and worry about her napping in the car. Yes, this sweet girl still falls asleep in the car when she is tired. Anyways, her dance class is called “Happy Feet” and it’s through the Buford School of Ballet. She LOVED it. She actually combines her dance and gymnastics to make up routines and shows for us! I haven’t been able to catch a picture of her dance yet until it was time to sign off on some recital costume information. Yes she will be in a recital in the spring. It’s going to be “Alice in Wonderland” and I think from the other little girls talking she has decided that it would be great to be Alice! Oh my! I am sure these adorable 3 and 4 year olds will be in one quick and sweet dance. Smile


As most of you know Tom’s Birthday is October 31st. It’s a hard time to celebrate. For several years in a row we did a birthday Tennis Round Robin. Last year we didn’t since Tucker joined us but this year we decided to do it again. Mom made the fun cake! It was really chilly but a good time was had by all! Thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate Tom’s birthday and play some fun tennis!


Tucker and Summer were there for a little bit!


Summer in her cupcake birthday dress (of course) with her friend Addison. Summer was pretty excited about singing Happy Birthday to her Dada. It’s her favorite song!



Mommy and Me on the last Monday of November! Summer decided it was after Thanksgiving and time to break out the Christmas outfits. Soon you will see how she wore a Christmas outfit or dress everyday in December (and I guess a little in November). I was often asked if we were going to see Santa or going to a party. Nope, you can only wear these outfits in December and that’s what Summer is going to do to. Poor Tucker had 3 outfits in his Christmas rotation. He didn’t seem to mind at all!


Time to Dance and play with some hula hoops at Mommy and Me!


Book Time! We have TONS of Christmas stories so Summer wanted her and Tucker to read bunches of them before he went to bed.


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