Thursday, December 20, 2012

Zoo Fun with our MD visitors (part 2)!

Soooooo….let me tell you a little story. This is my second attempt at the post. The first time I did it I loved it! I was funny, Summer journal some of the photos and I was at the very last photo. Well I guess it wasn’t self saving (internet problems) and since Summer helped with the post she thought she could hit some buttons while I answered the door and when I came back-GONE! All of my hard work. Sigh! I can smile about it now but at the time I was not a happy Mama!

So here we go again! I have noticed it has already self saved so all is good! :)

So the Erika, Mason and Jake’s visit continued with a trip to Zoo Atlanta. That annual pass has been so wonderful. All of us got in free and with our GA warm weather we didn’t even have to wear coats! Summer and May had the best time and Tucker and Jake stayed happily in their strollers for most of the visit. Erika and I were able to continue catching up and it was just a great time together. I really wish Erika, Bill, Mason and Jake would move here…hint…hint…hee hee! There are some great reasonable houses here (especially compared to MD prices). Anyway….

Zoorific Fun….


The first stop is always the Flamingos! Summer showed us on her map. Erika decided to strike a flamingo pose!


Here are the happy babies ready to see the animals!


Bird feeding time! This was one of the easiest times we had feeding the birds. It wasn’t very crowed so maybe the little birds hadn’t been overfed yet! Summer and Mason had the best times and did a great job taking turns with the stick. It really is amazing how well they got along the whole visit!



Okay this is the one that Summer came over last time and had some cute comments.

I know one of them was “Look at May-May, he’s giving me a kiss.” Followed by lots of giggles!


There are lots of places for good photos. However, notice that Summer still has her map and was guiding us around the zoo. I think she already has better navigation skills then her Mama!


A sweet picture of Tucker!


PANDA time! The pandas are still Summer’s favorite. On this visit she got a new stuffed Panda and was thrilled to take it in to show the Pandas. Don’t worry Tucker got a new Owl book later in the day! Don’t want to leave the sweet baby out.


One of the Pandas was quite active on this visit and Summer showed the Panda her panda each time it came by.


After lunch it was time for some leaf throwing!!!


Look at these 2! So sweet!

Okay I am going to ask Summer to comment on this one!

Me: Summer do you have anything you want me to type about these pictures?

Summer: Oh I saw those yesterday. I like them. That’s my best friend May-May. When is he coming back?

Me: Yup, we worked on this yesterday! Not sure when we will see him again.

She is gone. Back to playing with Tucker!


Erika took Mason and Summer into the petting zoo while I hung out with the babies and took some pics.



I love this picture of Jake! The lighting is fun and it just shows off his bright baby blues and his fun personality with his feet kicking! LOVE!


Train Time!


Yes, I was at the Zoo! :) Here I am with Tucker about to join the others on the train.


Carousal time!


Hey baby boys! Relaxed and having a good time!


As we left May and Summer wrapped their arms around each other and discussed their favorite animals and how much fun the train was.
What a fun zoorific day at Zoo Atlanta!

Yay! I finished this post again! It is pretty similar to the first. Summer’s comments were just really funny the first time. That’s okay! One more post to go of the Glodek visit!

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