Saturday, December 22, 2012

Naughty or Nice? A visit with Santa!

Every year in November our neighborhood brings in a  Santa for the kids to visit with. You make an appointment so there are no lines and it’s your own personal session with Santa. It’s great!

As you will see Summer was smitten with Santa and excited to tell him that she has been a good girl this year. Tucker on the other hand wasn’t too sure about this man with all this white hair holding him!



Summer was so sweet! When Santa asked what she would like she first told him that Tucker would need a new Pascal (Lizard from Rapunzel). Next she asked if she could get a new dress up trunk for all of her clothes and accessories. Very sweet.


Tucker looked at Santa for a while and when we got his attention to get a forward facing picture he decided that was enough. He didn’t squirm or reach for me. He just froze and cried. Poor guy! Of course I didn’t go running to get him right away. I made sure the photographer got some pics!


Last years picture with Santa! Summer was 2 1/2 and Tucker was only 1 1/2 months old.


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