Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Tree Fun!


As I continue to work my way through December I found lots of Christmas tree photos! Here there are….




Tucker helping me out. Here Mama I got another ornament off the tree for you!


Summer took the decorating seriously and was a big helper. She understood the importance of putting the ornaments up high!


Look Mama-I got another one for you! So proud!


Adding some more decorations! I made some photo ornaments that Summer helped me add to the tree!


Summer brought home some ornaments that she made at school that we needed to add this time around! Do you see Tucker?


Tucker decided behind the tree would be a good spot to read a book. He actually stayed there long enough for me to grab the camera and play around with the lighting. Shocking right?!?


Just a couple of cute photos by the tree of my love bugs!

And the blogging for December continues……

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