Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tucker- “oh BOY”


Oh Tucker, my sweet baby boy love, you are a MESS! Yes, I think I have shared stories here and there of Tucker being all boy! Well this post will tell you and show you even more. He is into things that Summer never was and he is soooooooo fast! He can get a rubber band and a child safety lock off a cabinet in less then 10 seconds flat. He can climb ANYTHING and that is not an exaggeration. He keeps all of us on our toes, especially his Mama! His happiness is contagious and it’s really hard to stay upset with him for long because he is always smiling in and isn’t fussy or whiney really at all.

Well let’s get started…..


Tucker loves to climb on the coffee table and dance around! We were decorating the tree when I turned around and he was at it again. I decided to snap some pictures!


I think Tucker has a lovey!!! Summer loves all of her stuffed animals and goes through phases on favorites but doesn’t just have one. Tucker has shown a strong attachment to Daisy dog. He has  been able to say Daisy for a while and loves to take her to bed and cart her around by her leash. It’s super cute. This beagle looks like our Daisy and Summer made it for Tom at Build-a-Bear.


Uh Oh!!! Tucker managed to get the heat register cover off and throw one of his brand new cars down it. He actually laid by it and had a little meltdown. Tom couldn’t find it and Summer was most concerned! Oops!


Now there are 3, not 4.


So I put all of our cards going up our steps on twine with fun clips to display them. It makes it very easy for little hands to pull them off. Notice he has his Daisy dog with him…his partner in crime. The picture on the right shows all the cards ready to be re-hung up once Tucker went to bed.


Daddy’s little helper! Tom had to change some light bulbs in our hall light and Tucker was right there to help him. Tucker really wanted to climb right on up and give Dada a hand. :)

“Oh BOY”

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